Jim Lewis, Superintendent

Welcome to the Lempster School. I have been fortunate enough to be the superintendent of this school district since July of 2020. I have been in education since 1995 and in educational administration since 2002. I have taught grades 2, 3, 4 and 8th grade algebra. I believe a successful school will help students develop a firm understanding of the fundamentals of any subject area on which they can build a strong foundation of knowledge. For example, you’ll always hear me talk about the importance of math fact mastery. One cannot accurately calculate factorials if one doesn’t understand one-digit multiplication.

In addition to working as your superintendent I also assist the Hopkinton Fire Department in the position of firefighter and EMT. These roles certainly promote my strong sense of an ongoing need for safety. Please understand my top priority is to ensure every Lempster School student is safe at all times. And please note, I shall never apologize for keeping your child “too safe.”

In my spare time I volunteer in the Neonate Intensive Care Unit at Dartmouth Hitchcock Memorial Hospital in Lebanon, as well as with the Hopkinton Recreation Committee.

Throughout my time here, I have found the students to be caring, fun and intelligent, and the teachers are here to provide as many opportunities as possible for the students to learn. There is no doubt that the teachers here at the Lempster School are not here for the income, they are here for the outcomes!

I look forward to speaking with anyone about any aspect of the school district. Please feel free to email me at JLewis@SAU71.org, or text my school cell phone at 603.504.9017 to schedule a visit! Coffee will be my treat!

Be well!

Jim Lewis, CAGS